VOC Theme 04

Towards the key issues: How can I guide learning as a vocational teacher?

Learning path

VOC theme 4: Learning, guidance and recognizing different learners

We will meet on Thursday, 13.8. The session begins in AC room https://connect.funet.fi/edulaboulu/ . Please login at 12:30 to check the connection. This is also a good opportunity to ask any questions concerning your studies or different tasks. The theme will start at 13.

Timetable and pre tasks:

12.30-13 Current issues / tutoring

13-13.25 Topic 1
Group Labrats’ pre-session material: what is learning? Please watch the video and read about Learning. Discussion on the topic during the session.

13.25-13.50 Topic 2
Edugrapes class we will have a debate about the pros and cons of 4 learning theories.

Instructions what to do before the class:
1. Study these slides about different learning theories
2. Prepare to debate individually for 2 – 3 minutes about your theory during the class.
– EduGrapes team members defend Behaviorism
– Team Alpha members defend Cognitivism
– Labrats members defend Constructivism
– EduStars members defend Humanism
3. Insert your arguments before the class into this form individually
All individual arguments are automatically compiled and you can see them here

13.50-14.05 break

14.05-14.30 Topic 3
VOC 4 Topic 3 EduStars:
5 minute video to be viewed beforehand:
In the session we will discuss the topic in the video and use Padlet for a group work.

14.30-14.55 Topic 4
Group Alpha’s pretask. Please read this Google document carefully. You will be doing groupwork based on these two presented theories (pre material). Kolb’s theory about experiental learning and progressive inquiry learning theory.

Introduction (slides)

14:55-16 Everyone together in the same room.

Please remember, that after each VOC (vocational pedagogy) theme you should write a reflective post about the topics of the day.

How to prepare?

Find the instructions if missing https://edulaboulu.wordpress.com/voc-1-10/

The coordinators should send a message to me (sanna.brauer(at)oamk.fi) and tell a little bit about the implementation of the session not later than Tuesday afternoon. If you want to share any material in advance, please link it to the EduLab Facebook-group.

Also, make sure that the materials are uploaded in groups’ own AC room beforehand and check that all connections are working properly.

If you have any further questions, please contact me or share a question in our FB-group.

Please notice also the timetable for tutoring sessions http://doodle.com/s835cpf9s2773na4 . Five of you had scheduled appointment with me. We’ll have our 1st tutoring discussions during next two weeks. Please check your e-mail for further instructions. Juha Pousi will continue with his students on 28th of August.

See you on Thursday!

Finnish Education System

The Finnish education system is composed of:
– nine-year basic education (comprehensive school) for the whole age group, preceded by one year of voluntary pre-primary education
– upper secondary education, comprising general education and vocational education and training (vocational qualifications and further and specialist qualifications)
– higher education, provided by universities and polytechnics