Part 1

Create a Theorist’s Learning Environment (Individual Activity)

Here are the steps:

  1. You will be assigned an educational theorist to research (see table below).
  2. You will have to create a visual image of a classroom environment that would have been created by that theorist for a subject that you are familiar with (ex. make an image of Paulo Freire’s classroom as if he were to teach engineering).
  3. Individuals will share links to their images as a blog post below (make sure you don’t say who the theorist is yet!)
  4. Look at the listing and guess who the theorist is for at least five images other than your own (place your guess in the discussion box below).
  5. Final discussion and correct theorists images will be shared with each other during the 30.9.15 Adobe Connect session.
John Dewey
Maria Montessori
Albert Bandura
James Banks
David Kolb
George Siemens
Emile Durkheim
Howard Gardner
Michael Apple
Geert Hofstede
B.F. Skinner
Lev Vygotsky
Jean Piaget
Paulo Freire
Benjamin Bloom
Malcolm Knowles

(if you forgot which theorist is yours, send an email to Blair)…


Your image should be created and a link placed in the discussion box below on this page by September 15, 2015. You will have individually guessed the theorist for at least five other images and added an additional post in the dialogue box below. You will also need to discuss your image during the September 30, 2015 Adobe Connect session.

How you will be assessed

Assessment for this activity will be made on your individual images on a scale (1 to 5) using the following criteria:

  1. Task completed on time;
  2. Completion of at least five blog posts for other images;
  3. Image reflects an understanding of the theory; and
  4. Professional reflection: ability to connect academic learning with professional context(s) during the discussion of the image.

48 thoughts on “Part 1

  1. Pingback: EduSci 1 – The House of Sociology | health goes edutech

    • I liked this inventive picture Eeva made a lot! First it seemed like a hard job to find out which theorist could be behind this classroom, but later on as I discovered some keywords from the picture it became more clear of who could I be looking for.

      Such terms found in the picture as unity, collective or common consciousness, academic discipline and group attachment can also be found from one theorists work and thoughts and therefore I strongly believe that the theorist Eeva is painting a picture of is Émile Durkheim.

      Durkheim is commonly cited as the main architect of modern social science and he is also referred to as the father of sociology.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Iikka who gives very little clues about his theorist. This is the most difficult one to guess. There are ancient books in the shelf, which makes me think the theorist must be ancient. In the list there are two ancient philosophers Socrates and Confucius to choose form. Of these two it is Confucius, whose social philosophy was based primarily on the principle of loving others and the famous Golden Rule, ”What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others. While the blackboard says ”Respect the teacher” and ”Take care of students”, my guess is that his theorist is Confucius.


    • I agree with Eeva on her guess of the theorist, I also believe it’s Confucius. On the whiteboard it says: respect the teacher and since one of the advice of Confucius was for subordinate to respect the superior and for superior to protect the subordinate, the picture clearly refers to Confucius.


    • Paula had created a nice handmade 3D model of how her assigned theorist would teach design. The learning environment seems very comprehensive and my guess is that her theorist is B.F. Skinner. In this environment, it seems important to use the principle of reinforcement since teams get awarded if they do their tasks well. However, if the team is not performing very well, they could get those stars taken away and finally do some chores like cleaning or cooking. It is typical for Skinner to believe that if the consequences are bad, there is a high chance that student does not repeat the action. If the consequences are good, the actions that led to it will become more probable.


    • I believe the best clue in Paula’s picture was to be found in the text. As it pointed out, this theorist rewards the students from good results and learning outcomes and that’s why I too believe the theorist to be B. F. Skinner. Skinner believed that if the consequences of your actions are good, the actions will become more probable (and vice versa, if the consequences of your actions are bad, the action will not probably be repeated). The principle is called reinforcement.


    • Charles does not give very many clues about his theorist in his PowToon teaser. There is actually only one clue. It is clear that his theorist has passion in multiculturalism. This makes me guess that he is James Banks. He is Director of the Center for Multicultural Education at the University of Washington, Seattle. He is also an author of 20 books in multicultural education and in social studies education.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Elina shared a picture of a very modern learning environment. The modern vibe of her picture clearly refers to modern time theorist who clearly is eager to use networks and technology in education. I would guess he is George Siemens. He is known for implementing social networked technologies in education. He is also a known MOOC educator and creator of learning theories for digital age.


    • Emmanuel makes the task easy for us by showing picture of Maria Montessori. Surrounded by children it would have been easy to guess this theorist anyway. Montessori method supports children’s spontaneous activity, which reveals an internal program of development. The role of the educator is to remove obstacles to this natural development and provide opportunities to proceed.


  2. Pingback: EduSci 1 – Guess my theorist | health goes edutech

    • From the picture sent by Matti, I would guess Jean Piaget’s theory; Being the first to propose development of cognitive process, where the student dont just receive information but also process them to creat new knowledge. I see from the picture, the creation of new knowledge from cognitive process based on the information the students receive from the teacher


    • My guess is Howard Gardner. He is developmental psychologist best known for his theory of multiple intelligences. Looks like these students have multiple intelligences.


  3. From the picture, I would guess Jean Piaget’s theory; Being the first to propose development of cognitive process, where the student dont just receive information but also process them to creat new knowledge. I see from the picture, the creation of new knowledge from cognitive process based on the information the students receive from the teacher


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